Executive Office handover
Announcements | December 19th, 2021
As of December 16, the current executive office composed of Dr. Laura La Porta (content manager) and Architect M.A. Constantin von Richter (web master), coordinated by the former secretary Dr. Andrea Raccanelli, is ceasing activity.
It was a pleasure to contribute to the aims of the CSE with the development of the website, communication tools and PR activities. We wish the Society further success towards its aims.
Please note that the address laura@cryoeurope.org is no longer active. Have a look at the "contact" page for alternative ways to contact the Society.
Air Liquide Press Release
Announcements | December 11th, 2021
Air Liquide enters a long-term partnership to secure its supply of Helium-3. Read the Press Release.
Sir Martin Wood (1927-2021)
Announcements | November 27th, 2021
Sir Martin Wood passed away on Tuesday November 23rd 2021. There are so many facets to Sir Martin. Seeing past photos of him since his death on Tuesday November 23rd 2021 provide a reminder of what a lovely man he was. More than that, he was an inspiration to many, and he was a true pioneer in the world of Cryogenics & Superconductivity.
Martin was born on April 19 1927 and lived for 94 years. Though he was principally associated with Oxford - and the Oxford Instruments company he founded with his wife Audrey, Martin was in fact an alumnus of Cambridge University (and Imperial). In work at the Clarendon Laboratory in Oxford, he went on to found Oxford Instruments, the first serious spinout of Oxford University, in 1959.
The combination of Martin and Audrey was formidable, and they went on to create not just a successful company from the technology and the products they provided; they were at the heart of creating an engine of enterprise in and around the City of Oxford, to which they contributed so much.
There are many stories of Martin & Audrey - such as their attending a scientific conference together in Massachusetts, out of which came their initiative to develop superconducting magnets - from which we all benefit, from MRI scanners.
Martin’s one-of-a-kind intellect, personality and drive, combined with Audrey’s formidable strengths [it is worth reading her book “Magnetic Ventures”] collectively created the Oxford Instruments listed on the London Stock Exchange today.
In later times, Martin and Audrey made a massive contribution in so many ways to the entrepreneurial ecosystem which exists today in and around Oxford - it is worthy of another book. The Oxford Trust, Science Oxford, they are examples of what they did - and went beyond, from their magnificent home in Little Wittenham, with its priceless outlook on Wittenham Clumps.
Martin continued giving talks, some involving liquid nitrogen, which would give heartburn to today’s health & safety police, but were delightfully appropriate. He kindly gave the opening address to the British Cryogenic Cluster Day at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in 2011 - and he served as a Board Member of the International Cryogenic Engineering Committee for many years and was awarded the honorary membership of that Committee.
Martin had many awards. He was a Fellow of the Royal Society. And he was awarded by the ICEC the Mendelssohn Prize at the 25th ICEC Conference in Fukuoka in 2012. In receiving the award, Martin was joined on stage by Audrey, to progress the accompanying slides and to provide some missing names. They were delightful, and they were Rock Stars to the delegates attending. Martin produced a very early superconducting magnet from a bag he carried from England, probably one of the first ever made, and he was mobbed on stage at the end of his talk.
Martin Wood, Thank You
John Vandore and Marcel ter Brake

Tom Harayama, chairman of the ICEC handing the Mendelssohn Award to Sir Martin Wood

Sir Martin showing his superconducting magnet to the audience on stage

Sir Martin and Lady Audrey among the crowd on stage after Sir Martin’s Mendelssohn Award lecture
Intelliconnect-CryoCoax Press Release
Announcements | November 16th, 2021
Intelliconnect/ CryoCoax, leaders in the manufacture of cryogenic cable assemblies, is delighted to announce it has been appointed as a franchised stocking distributor by XMA Corporation-Omni Spectra® focusing on cryogenic connectivity products as well as standard attenuators and high frequency microwave components.
This exciting new development for Intelliconnect complements their existing product range of RF, Microwave and Cryogenic connectivity and increases their ability to offer a ‘one-stop shop to the market.
XMA Corporation-Omni Spectra® is considered the market leader of microwave components in the cryogenics and general microwave component spaces and has been a partner with Intelliconnect/CryoCoax for several years. XMA supplies products of the highest quality to the exacting specifications required by the quantum computing, military, aerospace, space, test, measurement, medical and commercial markets.
Steve Groves, Intelliconnect/CryoCoax Global Sales Director commented, “This is a fantastic step forward for our business, we are very excited to be working more closely with XMA. Being able to sell their wide range of high-quality RF Solutions from stock will allow us to achieve great things together.”
CryoCoax is the UK/USA based division of Intelliconnect solely focused on providing for the RF Interconnect needs of the worldwide Cryogenics market. Based on a business model of innovative design, excellent manufacturing, unrivalled customer service and technology led partnerships, Intelliconnect – CryoCoax has seen significant and continuing growth in quantum computing, research, test and measurement, space and medical applications during the past six years.
CryoCoax’s cryogenic cables and components work to 2 K (-271.15°C) and are ideally suited to a wide range of applications including quantum computing and research, test and measurement, instrumentation, medical and material research and cryogenic systems including dilution refrigerators, superconducting magnet systems, low temperature detector systems, infrared array systems.
In addition to custom cable assemblies, Intelliconnect (Europe) Ltd manufactures a wide range of standard and custom RF connectors and components, including waterproof and fast turnaround custom designs which are undertaken without NRE charges to their customers. Intelliconnect also manufacture a large range of coaxial adaptors to facilitate inter-series connection and gender change etc. Typical applications include MIL and aerospace, marine, oil and gas, medical and general microwave markets.
For more information call +44(0)1245 347145, email info@cryocoax.com or visit https://cryocoax.com/
RF connector from XMA now available from CryoCoax.
About Intelliconnect (Europe) Ltd;
Formed in the UK in 2003 in response to the almost complete abandonment of the UK by the RF connector manufacturing industry, Intelliconnect joined forces with a small innovative US operation in 2004 and has quickly become a market leader in design led manufacturing of RF connectors, waterproof multi-pin connectors and cable assemblies. Both the UK and USA divisions of Intelliconnect now enjoy a growing reputation for high quality products and first-class service. Their product range includes waterproof connectors which have become established as the solution of choice for specifiers in the marine, oil and gas, defence, medical and general antenna markets. They produce a range of triaxial components which are recognised as the best quality available in the market today. Their Custom design service, which attracts no NRE charges, is the quickest available in the connector industry today. Intelliconnect also offer a full range of standard RF connectors and a cable assembly service.
Intelliconnect is unable and does not wish to compete with the plethora of low-cost offshore product available in the market today. Rather they offer traditional engineering values coupled with innovation, agility, and a passion for serving their customers.
For further information contact:
Intelliconnect (Europe) Ltd.
Unit D, Chelford Court
Robjohns Road
Widford Industrial Estate
Tel: +44 (0)1245 347 145
John Ellis
Proactive Marketing and Communications Ltd
37 Ramsdell Rd, Fleet, GU51 1DD
+44 (0)1252 642444
3rd Announcement ECD2021
Announcements | September 26th, 2021
The European Cryogenics Days 2021 will be held online on the 3rd and the 4th of November 2021. The event will open with the annual General Meeting of the Cryogenics Society followed by invited plenary talks.
Read more about the program of the ECD2021 in the 3rd Annoucement.
Here you may find information about Poster and Exhibition opportunties.
Go directly to the ECD-2021 website for registration and more information
ECD2021 - 2nd Announcement
Announcements | July 31st, 2021
The ECD2021 will be held online on the 3rd and 4th of November. Read the 2nd announcement for more information about the program of the event.
ICEC Awards
Announcements | July 31st, 2021
Gustav and Ingrid Klipping Award
The International Cryogenic Engineering Committee awards a young researcher for outstanding work in cryogenic engineering. The award is named after Gustav and Ingrid Klipping to commemorate their enormous contributions to the field of cryogenics and more specifically to recognize their active role in involving young researchers. The award will be given on the occasion of the International Cryogenic Engineering Conference, which is held every two years. The next Conference will be in Hangzhou, China, 25 – 29 April, 2022. The candidate shall be 35 years old or younger on 25 April 2022.
The awardee will receive a certificate and a check of 1000 CHF, plus a waiver of the registration fee of the ICEC conference at which the prize is to be awarded. The prize will only be awarded if the winner attends the conference and at the conference presents a paper on his or her recent research.
The candidate must be nominated by a person who is active in the field of cryogenic engineering. The nomination should be supported by the person who has supervised the research work for which recognition is sought. Note that the latter person may be different from the nominator and, furthermore, that the host institution where the cited work was conducted can be different from the awardee’s past or present employers.
Nominations shall be sent via email to the chairman of the ICEC, h.j.m.terbrake@utwente.nl by October, 11th, 2021 at the latest.
The (electronic) nomination package should include:
- the completed nomination form,
- the nominee’s detailed curriculum vitae (résumé) (see details in the nomination form),
- ID photo of a good quality and preferably in colour,
- a presentation of the candidate by the nominator, with an assessment of the candidate’s career in science and/or practice with a detailed explanation of the candidate’s achievements motivating the award,
- in case the nominator did not supervise the work that recognition is sought for, the presentation should be supported by the supervisor of that work,
- a copy of an official document attesting the nominee’s date of birth,
- copies of the publications on the research work to be honored.
The nominations will be voted on by the board members of the International Cryogenic Engineering Committee. The winner will be notified by November, 30th, 2021 at the latest so that he or she can arrange to attend the 2022 conference.
Previous Recipients of the Gustav and Ingrid Klipping Award:
- 2014: Yonghua Huang, China
- 2016: Haishan Cao, China
- 2018: Jingyuan Xu, China
- 2020: Andrew May, UK
Nomination form
New career opportunities available
Careers | April 11th, 2021
See our career section for new job opportunities in the field.
BCC Cryogenics Course 2021 - online
Announcements | March 17th, 2021
The British Cryogenics Council organizes a course on cryogenics engineering. The course will be held online starting on April 12th 2021. lt will last four half-days and provide an introduction to the main topics of cryogenics engineering. Have a look at the flyer and to the official website for more information.
Registration is already open and will close on April 5th.
Two job openings at kiutra
Careers | February 28th, 2021
See our career section.
Retirement of the CSA managers
Announcements | January 27th, 2021
On January 19th we received a farewell message (see below) of Werner and Laurie Huget announcing their retirement as managers of the Cryogenic Society of America after 42 years (!) of service to that Society. That is a loss! Not only has their work been of extreme value to the cryogenics community in the USA, but also to all working in cryogenics worldwide. They were always trying to connect to societies, associations or institutes that were active in cryogenics. Laurie’s dedication to the promotion of cryogenics has been inspirational for us as well.
Only four days after the foundation of the CSE on April 22nd in 2015, we received a congratulation message of Laurie offering us to publish our efforts in the CSA journal Cold Facts and suggesting cooperation between the two societies. It shows the active and efficient way of working of Laurie: immediate action and open for cooperation and initiatives. Since then indeed many events organized by the CSE were promoted in Cold Facts.
On behalf of the Cryogenics Society of Europe, we thank Laurie and Werner for their decades of work for the whole cryogenics community. We wish both many pleasant and healthy years to come, in which they can enjoy their well-deserved retirement.
Marcel ter Brake, Chairman CSE
Andrea Raccanelli, Secretary CSE
Farewell message by Werner and Laurie Huget
January 19, 2021
Dear CSA colleagues:
We want to thank each of you who has been a part of our business and personal lives over the more than 42 years we’ve been involved with the Cryogenic Society of America.
We founded Huget Advertising together in 1976 and shortly thereafter, through our client Liquid Carbonic, we became involved with the Society. Soon we were asked to take on more tasks and when the Society was moved to Illinois, we took on the job of Records Secretary—first Werner and then Laurie. In 1985 things changed when Laurie was made Executive Director. We put our efforts into developing membership, corporate and individual, as well as building the fledgling Cold Facts—at first a four-page newsletter and eventually an internationally acclaimed four-color magazine.
Through all the changes and growth of CSA, we have been blessed with wonderful employees, especially the talented editors who succeeded Laurie in the full-time job of creating the CSA’s editorial products. Werner continually pushed us all to improve our member services and our outreach. He was instrumental in moving the magazine from four times per year to six, with the Buyer’s Guide serving a real need in the cryogenic and superconductivity markets. Then came the NewsFlashes and the CryoChronicle enewsletter.
CSA has been blessed with great board members and leaders who have fostered its development into an international force. This is a shout-out to all the board members, officers and the experts who have taught short courses and webinars for the Society that drew enthusiastic global participation. The Space Cryogenics Workshops were made possible through the dedication and hard work of the co-chairs. The collegiality of the participants in the workshops has always made organizing these events special.
Corporate Sustaining Members are the lifeblood of CSA. Your involvement, steadfast commitment and financial support of programs and activities make it possible for CSA to continue building a more vibrant and connected global cryogenic community.
Over the years we have developed personal relationships with many talented people through international conferences and workshops. It has been a privilege to know so many brilliant engineers, scientists, academicians and entrepreneurs who have made significant contributions to the world of cryogenics. It has been especially delightful and rewarding to have made so many of you our friends.
Helping businesses, government, private laboratories and academic institutions get the word out about their accomplishments has been its own reward.
On February 1, 2021, we are retiring as managers of CSA, but we will remain vitally interested in you and your accomplishments and pursuits. Please keep in contact with us. We will be available at Huget Advertising, werner@huget.com and laurie@huget.com.
Cryo is Cool!
Werner and Laurie Huget