Retirement of the CSA managers

News > Announcements | January 27th, 2021

On January 19th we received a farewell message (see below) of Werner and Laurie Huget announcing their retirement as managers of the Cryogenic Society of America after 42 years (!) of service to that Society. That is a loss! Not only has their work been of extreme value to the cryogenics community in the USA, but also to all working in cryogenics worldwide. They were always trying to connect to societies, associations or institutes that were active in cryogenics. Laurie’s dedication to the promotion of cryogenics has been inspirational for us as well.
Only four days after the foundation of the CSE on April 22nd in 2015, we received a congratulation message of Laurie offering us to publish our efforts in the CSA journal Cold Facts and suggesting cooperation between the two societies. It shows the active and efficient way of working of Laurie: immediate action and open for cooperation and initiatives. Since then indeed many events organized by the CSE were promoted in Cold Facts.
On behalf of the Cryogenics Society of Europe, we thank Laurie and Werner for their decades of work for the whole cryogenics community. We wish both many pleasant and healthy years to come, in which they can enjoy their well-deserved retirement.

Marcel ter Brake, Chairman CSE
Andrea Raccanelli, Secretary CSE


Farewell message by Werner and Laurie Huget

January 19, 2021

Dear CSA colleagues:

We want to thank each of you who has been a part of our business and personal lives over the more than 42 years we’ve been involved with the Cryogenic Society of America.
We founded Huget Advertising together in 1976 and shortly thereafter, through our client Liquid Carbonic, we became involved with the Society. Soon we were asked to take on more tasks and when the Society was moved to Illinois, we took on the job of Records Secretary—first Werner and then Laurie. In 1985 things changed when Laurie was made Executive Director. We put our efforts into developing membership, corporate and individual, as well as building the fledgling Cold Facts—at first a four-page newsletter and eventually an internationally acclaimed four-color magazine.
Through all the changes and growth of CSA, we have been blessed with wonderful employees, especially the talented editors who succeeded Laurie in the full-time job of creating the CSA’s editorial products. Werner continually pushed us all to improve our member services and our outreach. He was instrumental in moving the magazine from four times per year to six, with the Buyer’s Guide serving a real need in the cryogenic and superconductivity markets. Then came the NewsFlashes and the CryoChronicle enewsletter.
CSA has been blessed with great board members and leaders who have fostered its development into an international force. This is a shout-out to all the board members, officers and the experts who have taught short courses and webinars for the Society that drew enthusiastic global participation. The Space Cryogenics Workshops were made possible through the dedication and hard work of the co-chairs. The collegiality of the participants in the workshops has always made organizing these events special.
Corporate Sustaining Members are the lifeblood of CSA. Your involvement, steadfast commitment and financial support of programs and activities make it possible for CSA to continue building a more vibrant and connected global cryogenic community.
Over the years we have developed personal relationships with many talented people through international conferences and workshops. It has been a privilege to know so many brilliant engineers, scientists, academicians and entrepreneurs who have made significant contributions to the world of cryogenics. It has been especially delightful and rewarding to have made so many of you our friends.
Helping businesses, government, private laboratories and academic institutions get the word out about their accomplishments has been its own reward.                    
On February 1, 2021, we are retiring as managers of CSA, but we will remain vitally interested in you and your accomplishments and pursuits. Please keep in contact with us. We will be available at Huget Advertising, and

Cryo is Cool!

Werner and Laurie Huget